maanantai 20. syyskuuta 2010

Does it really matter?

Gay, lesbian, bi, bi-curious, asexual, straight - what ever you are. Does it matter?

I've thought this so many times. Other people should too. If you iss a girl, it won't make you lesbian, it won't make u any less straight. If boy hugs a boy, it wont make him more gay or less straight. Sexuality it's not so black and white!

Look - well if u're straight you don't try to actract every which one on street who is opposite sex, why would gays or lesbians do that? Maybe u don't actract them. I hate it so much, when I hear people saying "Ohh, I heard he/she is homo - he/she is so gonna try me!" No they won't. They are people, just like you. So, c'mon.

I think people who are fall in love are so cute, straightners, lesbians, gays - almost every couple who loves each others.

I hope someday people will get over it, that people likes different people. Somebody thinks womans body is the most ugliest thing in the world, somebody never could even touch a man.

I don't really know am I straight or bi, but no hurry. Time will show.

Btw, I never did anything to my no-cigarets problem. But now I have one cig. I wait couple hours, then I smoke it with all enjoy I can have.

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